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Become an expert

Auditor Assessor

Diversity Equity Inclusion & Belonging (D&I) Certification

in the Service Management Lifecycle

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D&I is so much more than human resources, or diversity quotas, or employee resource groups. It's a standard part of every enterprise's project change management. It's risk management. It's internal regulation and enforcement.  

Get trained by the experts who influenced the International Standard to become a certified Diversity & Inclusion Professional™ (DIP), using the Inclusion Maturity Model Integration™ (IMMI) and grow your ability to audit all parts of a firm's D&I Service Management™ (DISM) lifecycle efforts. Organizations should understand that D&I is a service offering to be administered like any other. 

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of Partici-pation


In this session, you will learn the basics of the International Standard in Diversity and Inclusion ISO-30415, its application as a Service Management framework in organizations, and the vital role this standard plays in ensuring workforce resilience, effective risk management, and robust corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices.


This session is designed for professionals interested in acquiring the vocabulary and tools to address workforce resilience, risk management, and DEI as essential service management functions in organizations, all through the framework of an internationally recognized standard.


2-hours​ (1.5 hrs of content and 30 min of Q&A)

Upcoming Session:

May 1, 2025


USD$100 (Introductory price)

Early enrolment pricing: USD$50 if you register by

April 18, 2025 

certificatE in
FOUNDAtIONS iso-30415: diversity and inclusion service management


This certification introduces the ISO 30415:2021 standard as a Diversity and Inclusion Service Management framework. You'll gain the knowledge and skills to guide organizations in developing comprehensive strategies that enhance workforce resilience, validate engagement with protected groups, establish risk mitigation infrastructure, justify diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) services, reduce professional liability premiums, and streamline HR and service delivery portfolios.

This program is offered in partnership with Inclusion Score, the operating system for assessing D&I organizational risk, with training from established industry experts. Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate verifying your understanding of ISO-30415:2021 and certification by the ISO-30415 DISM Forum.


This program is designed for leaders and professionals committed to enhancing organizational success through effective risk management, workforce resilience strategies, meaningful engagement and inclusion of protected groups, strategic management of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, and streamlining of HR and service delivery functions.


6 weeks

Upcoming Session:

June 3 - July 15



Early enrolment pricing: USD$1,000 if you register by May 1, 2025 

certificate in
iso-30415: diversity and inclusion service management


ORGANIZATIONAL certification
made simple

The process of gaining certification is in itself a way to improve your business and we can help you every step of the way.

Our fixed fee approach allows you to calculate the cost/benefit of certification to your business. Our experienced assessors have a flexible approach that will help you to produce a set of procedures that are tailored to your business objectives. We can accommodate in-house training at most locations around the globe.

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